Why did I get a text from 22395 Short Code? - Shortcodes.info (2025)

Why did I get a text from 22395 Short Code? - Shortcodes.info (1)

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Why did I get a text from 22395? 22395 is a short code number. Short codes are 4, 5, or 6 digit long numbers that companies can use to send text messages to consumers.

Unwanted text message?
Reporting unwanted text messages helps to notify the community of potential scams and holds companies accountable for spamming consumers.

Report it here

To get more information or to stop receiving texts, you can usually text the keywords "help" or "stop" to 22395, but do keep in mind that interacting with certain short code numbers may incur additional charges. To avoid potentially being charged for responding, please check below to see additional information about this short code.

Remember: sending text messages to short code numbers may result in additional charges. Check below to see information on this number.

The text messages that companies send from these short code numbers can vary, some may be important notifications while others may be marketing related. These notifications may be requests for account verification, codes for logging in, and even password reset links.

These text messages are supposed to be sent after users opt-in to their SMS notification program. If you believe you are being texted by accident or did not give consent for the company to send you text alerts, please let us know below.

This page contains information about who is using this number, how to get more information about their messages, and how to stop receiving texts. Please continue reading below to find out more.

Why Did 22395 Text Me?

To find out more information on who is sending text messages from 22395, you can try texting the word "help".

Texting 'help' to 22395 responds with:


AuthyMSG: To learn why you got this message, please visit https://twil.io/why-verification. Reply STOP to stop texts. Std Msg/data rates may apply

If texting "help" to 22395 didn't work, please leave a report letting us know.

Posted on June 28, 2022November 30, 2022 by Text Message Info

The 22395 short code is being used by a company called Authy for two-factor authentication for many different tech companies. Authy allows users to further protect their online accounts and keep them safe. Authy is similar to the Google Authenticator app. The following is a list of some companies using Authy for their 2FA:

  • Tinder
  • Plenty of Fish
  • MillionaireMatch
  • Via App
  • RBAuction
  • Houseparty
  • Airbnb
  • Gemini
  • TaxAct
  • Indeed
  • VICI
  • Cakeworthy
  • Icy Supply
  • Clearbit
  • Sandboxx

This isn’t a definitive list by any means, but these are some of the companies that have been reported as using this short code.

If you have any additional information on this short code number that wasn't covered in this article, please take a moment to leave a report below to inform the community. Hopefully you now have more useful information on this short code number and can now answer the question of why did I get a text from 22395, and how to stop receiving texts if you would like.

Why did I get a text from 22395 Short Code? - Shortcodes.info (2)

22395 - AuthyMSG

Report a text from this number

  • July 22, 2024 at 11:04 pm

    Sharon A. says:

    Yes, it looked like spam. I did not respond. I am not a business.


  • July 7, 2024 at 11:08 pm

    Marc says:

    Olo verification code using text message 223-95. No clue who this is.


  • June 15, 2024 at 12:55 am

    AARON YOUNG says:



  • April 22, 2024 at 10:42 pm

    christina says:

    I received it with a message saying, “your appointment booking verification code is:—-” Do not know who it is from.


    • June 15, 2024 at 12:30 am

      AARON YOUNG says:



  • March 25, 2024 at 11:07 pm

    Bood says:



  • March 24, 2024 at 1:48 pm

    A says:

    When my husband gets the text there is two responses. The first is the shop verification but there is another one saying his member number is 6232 and I don’t know what company that is to


  • February 21, 2024 at 1:37 pm

    Shannon hoch says:

    Hi I’m receiving texts from this number with my birthday as a verification can you please tell me what company is trying to send this or why someone is trying to log into something at 3 in the morning while im asleep? How do I figure out who’s sending this to my phone number?


    • June 15, 2024 at 12:43 am

      AARON YOUNG says:



  • January 23, 2024 at 2:12 pm

    Eunice says:

    I got a Claude verification code. I don’t know what Claude is


  • January 15, 2024 at 12:46 am

    Rolin Olvera says:

    I got a text around 4 30 pm on 1/14/24 saying xxxxxx is my shop verification code. I have not tried to buy anything in that time period. does someone have access to an account I have?


  • January 12, 2024 at 2:19 am

    Denis Roche says:

    The message said ‘nnnnnn is your Shop verification code’. I was not logging in or checking out at the time. I would like to find out what account they were trying to log into.


  • January 6, 2024 at 2:01 pm

    C Hudgins says:

    Your DraftKings verification code is: xxxxxx

    I had to google what “DraftKings” was. Never signed up and randomly got 7 texts for verification codes.


  • December 5, 2023 at 4:19 pm

    Michael says:

    Your BILL verification code is: xxxxxxxx Don’t share this code with anyone; our employees will never ask for the code.


  • December 2, 2023 at 12:47 am

    Barbara Kessling says:

    Your SigFig verification code is 420001.


  • December 1, 2023 at 9:01 pm

    Txt recipient says:

    several texts from 22395 with different 5-digit numbers – like this w/o quotes;
    ” xxxxx is your verification code for GoFundMe. “


    • December 12, 2023 at 8:27 pm

      Stranger all says:

      That number belongs to dating apps the two I am aware of are tinder and Raw


  • November 26, 2023 at 12:34 pm

    Logoria says:

    Your mobile wallet enrollment code from is [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]. Enter this code in the mobile wallet only, do not share with anyone.

    I received the option to use a one time code, email or call my bank while setting up my mobile wallet. Upon selecting one time code the name Ring showed up. I tapped on the name the code 22395 showed up. I did the process twice once for two different digital wallets. They became activated.

    Side note: I redacted two things.


  • November 3, 2023 at 12:57 am

    Blue says:

    “xxxxxx is your Shop Verification code”. problem is, I have never purchased from Shop, nor have I ever created an account. in the last two weeks, I’ve recieved about 15 of these. I went to Shop.com and opted to “delete account” that I never had. today, I recieved another text from 22395, with the same message. I wrote the company to request, if at all, all the information attached to my phone number, if available. I don’t think I’ll be getting a reply. I’d be darn surprised if it turned up anything. Very frustrating to be a potential victim of some type of crime.


    • December 12, 2023 at 8:29 pm

      Stranger all says:

      Reply stop and that should stop them from sending it to you. This number has been associated with tinder and raw dating apps


  • August 25, 2023 at 4:56 pm

    Marilyn Pack says:

    Invoice payment number listed

    Did NOT order anything….tried to cancel and remove all info and save..

    Did not confirm anything also sent to 22359 a cancellation and have not received any response



  • August 9, 2023 at 5:51 am

    S. Stott says:

    22395 SHOP PAY verification code. Never used and never signed up.


  • July 30, 2023 at 12:33 am

    Judy Hoover says:

    22395 XXXXX is your Shop Pay verification code
    NEVER USED Shop Pay or any company that uses shop pay.


  • May 29, 2023 at 5:52 pm

    Patti says:

    It was in Spanish, and I do not speak Spanish, so I do not know what it said.


  • May 17, 2023 at 5:47 am

    Cheryl says:

    shop pay verification code, and this is the second one in less than a week. do not know who it is.


  • January 31, 2023 at 1:42 am

    Jay says:

    Your OpenAI API verification code is: 154719


  • January 30, 2023 at 5:51 pm

    POF says:

    XXX is your one time Plenty of Fish verification code. Do not share this code with anybody.


  • January 30, 2023 at 5:50 pm

    r says:

    Your Robinhood verification code is: XXX. Don’t share this code with anyone; our empoyees will never ask for the code.


  • January 28, 2023 at 5:06 pm

    Virginia Brocato says:

    Your phone Verification verification code is


  • January 9, 2023 at 4:42 pm

    Lynne Johnson says:

    Your mobile verification code is: 8082
    This came in at 2:30 am
    Of course I worry since there are so many scammers out there.☹️
    I don’t have any previous alerts from this short code or do business with any of the accounts listed on the website.


  • January 8, 2023 at 12:33 am

    Kemal merter says:

    Your OpenAI API verification code is: 613459


  • November 29, 2022 at 3:07 am

    tarah says:

    22395: Your MassMutual security code is 895667 (This code will expire in 3 minutes)

    Uhhh…I don’t have a MassMutual account and I never have. This screams scam city. Be careful everyone.


  • November 29, 2022 at 3:05 am

    qq says:

    Got a lot of these from 22395 on my cell phone bill for the month. Anyone else have this issue? How do we get these companies to stop? This doesn’t seem right!


    • March 4, 2023 at 4:30 pm

      douglas says:

      got 3 texts from 22395-your Authy registration code is: 073931 bP+UGFWxxxx,
      and Your Wegman’s phone verification code is xxxxx
      and xxxxxx is your Shop Pay verification code.
      all show as SPAM when i Text “help”
      is it ok to text back STOP?


      • December 12, 2023 at 8:30 pm

        Stranger all says:

        Authy is twilio and possibly WhatsApp as well


  • November 29, 2022 at 3:03 am

    James Hykart says:

    Got a text from 22395 that said the following:

    Your mortgage inquiry verification code is: xxxxxx

    Keep in mind that I never signed up for a mortgage alerts. Matter of fact, I’m not even looking to buy a house. Not sure if I should be concerned that someone might be using my info to try and get a loan or what, but these messages are annoying.


  • November 19, 2022 at 4:46 am

    kaley says:

    Got a text today from 223-95 that said

    Your Tinder code is 535672

    I have never made a Tinder account, don’t even have the app installed. Not sure if spam or what, but confusing


  • November 19, 2022 at 4:43 am

    td says:

    This number sent an Intellichek verification code. Never heard of Intellichek before, don’t know what it is, seems like a blatant scam. Beware!


  • November 19, 2022 at 4:41 am

    james hart says:

    Received a text message from 22395 for my Ring app as well as for Signal app too.


    • February 9, 2023 at 12:24 am

      Jack says:

      Your Duolingo verification code is: XXXXXX


  • November 19, 2022 at 4:39 am

    Text Message Info says:

    Your mortgage inquiry verification code is: xxxxxx


  • November 7, 2022 at 5:15 am

    t says:

    Your OpenAI API verification code is: XXXXX


  • September 10, 2022 at 10:38 pm

    V says:

    86467 messages


  • September 10, 2022 at 10:37 pm

    V says:



  • July 27, 2022 at 8:09 pm

    FYI says:

    22395 appears to be used by multiple different companies. There have been reports from people I’ve seen online getting texts from Airbnb, Christian Marriage, Shopify, etc. So if you’re receiving texts from this number that you didn’t sign up for, maybe say which company it was that sent the text.


Why did I get a text from 22395 Short Code? - Shortcodes.info (2025)


What companies use short code 22395? ›

Gemini uses (952) 234-8378 and short code 22395 to communicate SMS authentication with customers. Gemini will never text or call you for your authentication code, please do not share this with anyone. What is Authy and how do I set it up for my account?

How to find out who owns a shortcode? ›

To find out who owns a short code, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Short Code Registry website at www.usshortcodes.com.
  2. Click on “Search” in the top menu bar.
  3. Enter the shortcode you want to search for in the “Short Code” field.
  4. Click on “Search.”

Why would someone use a short code to text? ›

SMS short codes are 5 or 6-digit phone numbers that can be used to send and receive text messages. They're commonly used to send marketing messages, mass text notifications or alerts, and account verification codes.

Why did I get a random text with a code? ›

It's a common tactic in smishing or text messaging scams. Bad guys will send you texts with verification codes or suspicious links, trying to make you click them. The websites you're taken to infect your device with malware.

Does Tinder text you a code? ›

To keep your account safe, we require SMS verification when you log in to Tinder using your phone number. If someone were to attempt to access your account using your phone number, they wouldn't be able to login successfully without the SMS verification code that's sent to your phone.

Do cheaters use short codes? ›

Here are some cheating codes to look out for: ASL/ASLP: Age/Sex/Location or Age/Sex/Location/Picture. This is usually used as an introduction or for a hook-up. NSFS: Not Suitable for Spouse.

How can I identify a text sender? ›

Sender ID is a unique identifier used in SMS messaging to indicate the originator of the message. In simpler terms, it's the name or number that displays as the “sender” when someone receives an SMS on their phone.

Can you find out who owns a text app number? ›

However, there are some steps you can take to help find the source of a TextFree number. First and foremost, it's important to remember that all TextFree numbers are completely anonymous and untraceable. Due to this anonymity, it's impossible to know the exact source of a given TextFree number.

Can anyone trace my text messages? ›

Spyware can be used by anyone, not just hackers

Sure, it makes sense, but there's no preventing someone with bad intentions from using this software to keep tabs on you. One popular app, mSpy, boasts the ability to monitor text messages, calls and social media interactions.

Who uses short codes to text? ›

Short codes are a great SMS marketing tool for sending text blasts or mass text messaging campaigns, but they can also do so much more. Companies and organizations use short codes for: Sending discounts or deals to contacts: Short codes' fast delivery rates make them ideal for time-sensitive discounts.

What does a short code look like? ›

Short codes, also known as short numbers or SMS short codes, are five- or six-digit textable phone numbers (such as 858585) used by businesses and organizations to support SMS marketing and text communication strategies.

How do I stop receiving short code messages? ›

According to the US Short Code Directory: First, the easiest way to stop receiving unwanted short code text messages is to simply reply with the word “STOP” to the short code. This usually works 99% of the time, as it's required by the Cellular Telephone Industries Association(CTIA).

What company uses the 22395 short code? ›

Amplify Mortgage and Home Equity Application Multifactor Authentication. Users opt in to receive multifactor authentication texts from 22395 when applying for a mortgage or home equity loan online and providing a mobile phone number. This number is used for verification purposes only.

Why am I getting verification codes I didn't ask for? ›

If you have received an unrequested verification, it could be that someone may have had your phone number listed in their account or simply used it to receive a verification code in error. Or it could be someone intentionally trying to hack into your account.

Can a scammer get your info if you reply to a text? ›

Clicking on a link, replying, or calling a number in a scam text can put you at risk of fraud, identity theft, and more. Here's how you can protect yourself after responding to a spam text.

Why am I getting Gemini earn texts? ›

Scammers' Devious Plan

The scammers had a plan to get their hands on customers' non-public and payment knowledge. They did this through textual content messages containing links to third-party websites. These messages were designed to appear to be they came from Gemini.

What short code does Bank of America use? ›

Legitimate Bank of America communications
Type of Security AlertShort Code
Debit card39989
Small business credit card96264
Check fraud86006
Digital banking55983
4 more rows
Oct 27, 2023

What is twilio short code? ›

Short codes are used to send and receive SMS and MMS messages to and from mobile phones. Twilio currently offers short codes in multiple countries . Their name is derived from the fact that they are shorter (usually five to six digits) than their ten-digit long code counterparts.

What is Gemini text? ›

Gemini is an application-layer internet communication protocol for accessing remote documents, similar to HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and Gopher. It comes with a special document format, commonly referred to as "gemtext", which allows linking to other documents.


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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.